Payment for NHACDL 2024 Membership Form

Members of the New Hampshire Bar Association who practice criminal defense and have no role in any form of prosecution are welcome to join the New Hampshire Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NHACDL).

Membership Dues are based on the calendar year, starting January 1st. You may pay the membership dues online or mail in a check.  Pro-rated dues are not available due to lack of administrative time.  However, fall specials are routinely run.  Please inquire if you are looking to join at the end of the year.

By submitting this Membership Form, the attorney certifies that he or she is committed to providing quality representation to those accused of crimes, is not engaged in any form of prosecution and shall not share list serve or website materials with non-members.

Any questions, concerns or ideas for the Association, please contact Katherine at (603) 556-8294 or to

We are stepping up our legislative game with a new lobbyist! Please consider a donation to this expanded program:

Total Amount
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